• 3D Modeling

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    Ihr Abbild – geschaffen für die Ewigkeit


    Merchandising / Limited Editions / Statuen


    Auftragsarbeiten / Reproduktion/ Restaurierung


    Exponate - in jeder Größe für Ihre Ausstellung

Exhibits For Science, Exhibitions And Museums

expo:nat specializes in the production and reproduction of objects in the traditional way as well as with modern 3D scan and  printing technology. We prefer using plastic as a material, since nothing else offers  flexibility to the same extent as well as endless possibilities. The classical methods include modeling in clay, plaster casts or  making silicon models. The final object will be made of artificial resin but it is possible to use materials such as bronze, brass and others.



Everything Is Possible With Digital Processing

When counseling for exhibitions, we focus on natural science. Modern digital technology enables us to produce objects for  exhibitions efficiently and of excellent quality.

Instead of working with tape measures, in order to avoid damaging sensitive or not easily accessible objects, it makes sense to use optical lighting technology.

From Object To Exhibit

Reconstructions Of Museum Pieces

Scanning of the originals.

Digital reconstuction of the virutal object.

Making copies with 3D-print or laser-sinter-procedure

(the Braunschweig project)

Scull of the Spinophorosaurus
Scull of the Spinophorosaurus

Planning, Development And Production Of Exhibits

Production of models like dinosaur skeletons and life size replicas of medieval warriors. Design and construction of exhibits and display cases.

Development and construction of outdoor facilities as well as special requests, like garden dragons and dinosaur gates.  Colour copy of a whale tooth carving.


Entrancegate in a 'tree trunk look'
Entrancegate in a 'tree trunk look'

Renting Of Exhibits

Skeleton of a mammoth

Skeleton of a raptor

Rent a skeleton
Rent a skeleton

Restoration And Copying Of Valuable Statues

Qualified sculptors produce copies, on a 1:1 scale, of valuable statues. Experts restore damaged objects.

Colour copy of a whale tooth carving
Colour copy of a whale tooth carving

The Exhibition Inside A Trailer

One of our specialties is, turning a semi-trailer into a show room that gives you the feeling of being inside a cave.


The task was to present fossils inside a cave in which even the display cases looked like rocks and the objects seemed to be embedded in the rock. The entire construction was supposed to be low in maintenance, easily cleaned and suitable for children.  It was also to be designed and installed to insure safe and stable travelling conditions.


It is difficult to describe the feeling upon entering the exhibition. A seemingly massive wall of rocks surrounds you, the pale light is shining out of the crevices and you cannot help, expecting water to be running down the rocks. The fossils look as if they've been in the cave for thousands of years, just to be seen by future generations.


Enjoy experiencing this exhibition.

